For every legging, one kg of plastic that will never reach our oceans.

According to a report by the Ellen McArthur foundation, it is expected the global production of plastics is going to double over the next two decades, yet only 14% of this amount is actually collected and sent back into new production processes. If this trend continue, there could be more plastic than fish (by weight) in our oceans by 2050.

The main reason for the low recycling rates is the lack of commercial viability in the reverse logistic chains of plastic materials.

In order to reduce the impact of plastic on the planet, Gypsy Amazon has financed the collection, sorting and reintroduction of 2 TONS OF PLASTICs into the recycling chain.

Along with the launch of their new collection they are increasing that volume to 5 tons.

Making the world a better place!

Besides protecting our oceans from incorrect disposal of plastic waste, the recycling of these materials also reduces emissions of green house gases. The extraction of raw materials used in virgin plastics supply chain has a much bigger carbon footprint than its recycling processes.

For every ton of plastic sent to recycling, the emission of approximately 0.63 tons of CO2 equivalents is avoided.

source: GHG Protocol calculation tool

Total emissions avoided by GYPSY AMAZON'S ACTIONS:

CO2 equivalents tons

This is how Gypsy Amazon offsets the impact of its products on the environment

Fechando o Ciclo Para Nossas Embalagens

O relatório The New Plastics Economy desenvolvido pela Ellen McArthur Foundation, referência internacional em economia circular afirma que até 2050 teremos mais plástico do que peixes nos nossos oceanos. O impacto  do plástico descartado incorretamente é alarmante, atualmente a quantidade de plástico que flutua nos mares ao redor do mundo aproxima o número impressionante de 165 milhões de toneladas e causa diversos prejuízos à fauna e flora em diferentes ecosistemas.

Enquanto isso, apenas 14% do plástico produzido globalmente é reciclado. Uma das principais razões para as tímidas taxas de reciclagem é a dificuldade em viabilizar comercialmente as cadeias de logística reversa. Grande parte do processo de coleta e triagem de resíduos é feito por cooperativas de catadores de materiais recicláveis, cidadãos de baixa-renda que fazem do processo de logística reversa seu sustento.
A Toque a Mais, sendo uma empresa fabricante de produtos embalados e preocupada com os impactos das suas ações no meio ambiente e na sociedade vive um dilema onde o aumento das vendas e da produção gera necessariamente um aumento dos resíduos gerados após o consumo de seus produtos.

Para mitigar este impacto, fomentar a cadeia da reciclagem no Brasil e cumprir com a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (Lei 12.305/10) a Toque a Mais toma a inciativa de co-financiar a coleta, triagem e reinserção em um novo ciclo produtivo de um volume de plástico equivalente ao que compõe as nossas embalagens.

How does it works?

Collection & Sorting

Post consumption recyclable waste is collected and sorted by audited waste pickers cooperatives registered on Polen's platform.
Selling to Recyclers
Sorted waste materials are then sold by the cooperatives to recycling industries that will transform them into new products.
The invoices of these comercial transactions are checked by our software and analyst teams to ensure that they are valid post consumption waste transactions.
The invoices are them transformed into blockchain based cryptographic tokens on the EOS blockchain. For each recycled kilogram one token is issued.

These tokens are then sold to companies wishing to offset the impact of their packaging on the environment. Tokens persist the information of the comercial transactions that created then.
Stakeholder Engagement
The details of such process is made available through an online report. QR Code printed on the packaging of the companies buying the tokens. An interactive way to let your consumers aware of your actions to protect the environment.

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